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Jerry Doolittle


This may be a bit off-topic, but I thought I'd put it here rather than back in the snobbery archives. Here's my advice for the next time somebody looks surprised that you went to a fancy college and then to a nonfancy law school in a small state. Tell her that since you plan on being a governor or a senator, both your political and your statistical chances will be greater in a small state. Refer to Richard Cheney, who got himself expelled from Yale and completed his education in Wyoming when this point occurred to him. He later became vice president in the Rove administration.

As to M. Bricoleur, I already figured he must be a man. There is an old French song that starts out, "Mon dieu quel bonheur, mon dieu quel bonheur, d'avoir un mari qui bricole/ Mon dieu quel bonheur, mon dieu quel bonheur, d'avoir un mari bricoleur — boîte à outils, boîte à outils." As it goes on, the wife describes in detail the glories of her handyman husband's toolbox.

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