Fantastic board meeting. I have lots of thoughts as a result. In my last post I forgot to highlight John Sculley as one of the smartest folks I've met but he was really great at this meeting. As were the other nine people in the room. I'm involved with this group for selfish reasons -- I learn so much watching these extremely bright, practical, sociable, articulate, creative people from across a range of fields think, and I enjoy working alongside them to bring ambitious ideas into being. It's so refreshing, and easy in a strange way -- not the right word but I'm tired here, what I mean is things just FLOWED -- working with people who are highly skilled and capable you can get into this neat groove, which it felt like we were in today. I mean, how often in a six plus hour board meeting does it not get awful for at least a couple of hours. I'm not often in a room with 10 people where ideas move easily around, disagreements are not Machiavellian ego trips, and people aren't talking to hear themselves talk or to impress somebody or other. We got things done, capably and with humor and inspiration and respect. I left really energized. I feel so lucky to be involved; I learn so much just watching the different skillsets of the folks on the board.
And I bought something after the meeting..... I pick it up on Saturday.
ooooh, what color?
Posted by: JCA | February 26, 2004 at 11:33 PM
Whoooo hoooo! New-(to-you) car! Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut...
Posted by: bluerabbit | February 27, 2004 at 08:32 AM
Congrats! Enjoy :)
Posted by: DG | February 27, 2004 at 08:35 AM
My housemate when I was living in PA test-drove one of those. I thought it was pretty sweet, but instead he moved to Manhattan and went carless.
But, you were talking about John Sculley. I am reminded of a presentation I heard once about the similar (successful) marketing strategies taken by Apple and Volkswagen...
Posted by: pjm | February 27, 2004 at 09:55 AM