I think I am now in a new club: the Hot Tub Club. Hot Tub Club happens at my neighbor's house. She is a lovely lady, also named Sherry (although she spells it Cheri, and in her case it's short for Cheryl), with the most beautiful house in the neighborhood, a farmhouse right on the water with a big yard and a beautiful garden. She has a fantastic aesthetic. I've had a friend crush on her for the last five years from afar. She was dating a friend of my ex-boyfriend's, in fact was engaged to him, and he dumped her just after my ex dumped me. So we had some things to talk about. Anyway we and a couple of other women had a lovely dinner, with lots of wine and lots of candles. And then the other women did the dishes and Cheri + Sherry jumped into the hot tub and we lay back and looked up at the stars and looked out at the water and at the line of taillights disappearing across the bridge, and watched our breath combining with the steam rising from the tub, and lifted our limbs up out of the water from time to time to feel the cold air drying the warm water off our skin, and talked about falling in love with men who sometimes turn out to have no arms and going on with life afterwards. And it was just about as nice as can be.
Armsless, but apparently not weaponless.
Posted by: David Giacalone | February 25, 2004 at 10:23 PM