I'm about to wreck them with this post, but as of a moment ago, I'd written 600 posts on this blog, and received 900 comments (not including the comment spam I've deleted), since I started on September 9, 2003. Those pretty numbers made me smile for a moment.
Other useful numbers, according to Typepad:
Total number of hits: 50521
Average per day: 247.51
Today: 1472
In the last hour: 26
This week: 3012
(I have real questions about these numbers -- can't figure out what time period is meant by "today," for example. Does it constantly refresh back to the last 24 hours, as "in the last hour" seems to for the past 60 minutes? But I still look at them from time to time to see if I can identify any trends. Mostly I can't except that fewer people read during the weekend or the middle of the night, and there are usually more visitors in the mid-afternoon, when the West-Coasters are awake. Duh.)
I have no particular ideas about whether this is "good" or "bad" in terms of usage or visitors. I have been fantastically delighted by the peculiar fact that some interesting folks read what I say and want to talk about it. I expect that will keep making me happy. More people might be gratifying, but only if those folks are as nice and interesting and friendly as the cool readers who've already made themselves known to me. And how could that possibly be?