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Slithery D

I saw a three legged dog at the park Sunday and thought about you. He was a BIG yellow lab missing his front right leg, and he had a really well developed front left shoulder. Kinda weird, but very cute, happy, and pretty fast.


Do you have a picture of your dog you can post?


What a coincidence, while walking today at noon, I saw a chihuahua missing a right foreleg! and
I come across this particular blog today!
I am originally from MA so I am another New Englander, licensed in MA too, but living in CA
Have a great weekend,


Three-legged dogs make the best pets. I have two, missing the same leg (coincidence, I promise) that I got from the Animal Rescue League here in Mississippi. I have pictures of them on the site...if you're interested.

I wouldn't trade them for any four-leggers...the showoffs.

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