First thing I noticed this morning when I woke up: sunshine. This funny yellow light outside. Not grey. Fantastic. And it's still there, even after showering and a little unplanned post-shower nap on the sofa, in this bright bright blue sky.
Second thing I notice this morning: weather report says it's going to be windy. 15 -- 25 knots from the northwest. All right. And it's cool outside -- highs only in the lower 60s. So it's going to be a cold wet ride this afternoon, when the Hooked on Tonics girls and I go for our first sail.
We have a hotshot from Marblehead coming up to talk to our whole fleet about little tips and tricks that can make our boats perform best. This is the kind of stuff I expect he'll be saying. I'm about to hit the marine store for a million little (yet expensive) items: small blocks (sailor talk for pulleys), some 3/8" line for a cunningham, and some line of a different color for a boom vang. There are a lot of things about the way our boat is set up that I don't like and I'm hoping Jud can advise us about better ways. So in the morning it will all be technical talk -- the distance from your backstay to the base of your mast should be exactly this; you should have a pressure reading of this on your lower shrouds when the windspeed is that, etc. And then this afternoon we're all going sailing and Jud will ride along in a motorboat watching us and telling us what we're doing wrong. A lot, I expect.
I haven't been sailing since October! I'm so excited. It's going to be gnarly out there today, too -- windy and wet and cold. Hoping we won't break anything.