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Alan Lishness

Congratulations, Sherry. Bravery is more often rewarded than not!



As a veteran of both the military and business consulting, my advice is to do something you feel is worthwhile and makes you happy.

It may have seemed flip when I posted earlier that when I graduate from law school that I intend to take a goverment job because quality of life is important to me, but I write from experience.

Although I served in the military before college and was not fulfilled intellectually with my position, I did feel I was doing something worthwhile. Working as a business consultant [and billing hours :o)] was soulless drudgery.

I plan on taking a position that I feel is worthwhile after law school like going back in the military or working for the EPA.

If you plan on continuing to practice, maybe you can find a position with a government agency or a non-profit where you don't have to worry about billing hours and that you feel is important.

I feel you are a wonderful writer, maybe you could find someway to incorporate writing or your love of sailing into your profession.

Whatever you decide, I enjoy reading your blog very much, and if you want anymore advice from me don't hesitate to send me an e-mail or just ask for it!

Good Luck!



As you know, I made the jump from BIGLAW to a fulfilling public service job 2000 miles away, and haven't looked back. As you also know, as good as the work is here, the best part of the switch has been the opportunity to check in on the other parts of myself, spend time with my fiancee and friends, get to know this corner of the world, blog a bit, and feel like not just a more balanced lawyer, but a more grounded person.

Some of this is due to having a few more hours left at the end of the day, but most if it is due to the perspective gained from knowing that I could take myself to where I wanted to be.

I know that you'll continue to take the right steps on your journey, and that some new endeavor will be as lucky to have you onboard as your firm was. We're looking forward to the part of your journey that brings you out to our place. (Maybe you'll stay awhile!)


YIPPPEEEE!! Stretch and explore and enjoy this time!


Hooray! This is terrific news! and I second Autumn's motion!



Jeffrey A. Cross

I once quit a firm job with no job lined up. I sat on my couch for 3 months and did nothing but relax and catch up on lost sleep. In fact, I did little to seek other employment. Needless to say, I had a great time and ended up really refreshed when I decided to get back into the game. Good luck.


There's no reason we readers should expect to know everything that goes on. Good for you for knowing when to keep things from us.

And good luck!


Congratulations. That takes courage.

I hope your career change doesn't mean less attention to this blog we all love so much.

A few bloggers have turned their blogging into income-generating affairs, so maybe that's something you could consider.

At any rate, I hope your new direction includes wrting.


Congratulations and Good Luck! Take your time deciding what you want to do. There's so many wonderful opportunities out there, take time to explore. (And take a vacation!)


Everything happens for a reason. And I am not making this up: as soon as I typed that last sentence, some potato salad I was eating fell on my shirt. I tried to wipe it off, and it smeared all over and looked even worse. So I looked around for a solution and remembered that I'd put a nice sweater into one of my desk drawers a while ago, and put it on. And as it turns out, I was feeling a bit chilly for most of today, so now the sweater hides my stain and keeps me warm.

Everything happens for a reason.

David Giacalone

Hmm. The same day I was ending my career as a pundit, you decided to sever your important professional relationship in search of a new career persona. Thinking that there may be something in our Sagitarian stars pushing us to redefine our place in the world, I just looked at Bob Brezney's Free Will Astrology for the Week of May 27th; It says:

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): What kind of archer do you want to be when you grow up,

Sagittarius? Would you like to be: 1. the kind of archer who aims in the general direction of several big targets in the distance; 2. the kind who aims at a single medium-sized target in the middle distance; 3. the kind who aims at many small targets that aren't too far away; 4. the kind who never aims at any target at all, but just enjoys the thrill of shooting lots of arrows everywhere? This is a perfect time for you to settle on one of these four options.

Well, Ms. Archeress?

Buzz Bruggeman

I think I have re-invented myself about 5 times so far, and I am sure you will also.

To quote S. Page..."Don't look back, they may be gaining on you"...When the weather turns ugly, come on down.

SF Librarian

Congratulations! You're a fantastic writer, and I hope that you are able to pursue a path that lets you write to your heart's content.

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