Go on an all-day sailing scavenger hunt around Casco Bay with the Hooked On Tonics girls. Check.
Buy a cowboy hat. Check.
Visit Grandma. Check.
Drink dark Nicarauguan rum while the Old Flame cooks me dinner. Check.
Go for a winding drive along the ocean with the dog hanging her head out the window. Check.
Still to do:
Clear out remaining boxes from office.
Review Pop!Tech budget numbers.
Re-learn how to surf.
Lie on the grass in the shade catnapping.
Write a toast for the big wedding.
Attend race committee meeting.
Pack for Montana trip.
Go for a run.
Find a job.
take wayward (but you're trying to entice back home) friend from law school out sailing when he returns to town this week
remind him that he's still a number of things that his current job might like to encourage him to not be
(and, of course, enjoy the sailing)
Posted by: tmac | June 29, 2004 at 03:20 AM
Can't take anyone sailing unless the wayward soul appears today; tomorrow I jet off to Montana. Alas.
Posted by: Scheherazade | June 29, 2004 at 07:32 AM
I would suggest adding to your list: (x) read several newspapers completely while eating breakfast outside on a bright weekday morning; (y) smoke a cigar while sitting under a tree in the middle of the afternoon; and (z) read one of those classics that you feel guilty for never having read.
Posted by: John P. | June 29, 2004 at 08:47 AM
i knew there'd be a kink in the plan
Posted by: tmac | June 29, 2004 at 12:04 PM