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Bill Altreuter

It really sounds like you should either find your way into teaching, or find a way to incorporate lecturing on the law into the practice. The latter is particularly nice because it can incorporate travel into the mix. You might consider looking into AIJA-- I think you'd enjoy it. It took me all over the world, and gave me a chance to sit on a number of interesting panels.

Pursue your passion. Then, maybe, you will not distinguish between work and leisure.


I'd never heard of Nonsuches before, but then this weekend we saw one motoring around Cape Small. When I saw the web page, I thought it was just a flavor of cat boat, but the differences are much more obvious when you actually see one. Clearly the work of a dangerous revolutionary. (Or a deranged lunatic, depending on point of view, I guess.)

(I think the only way to get around Cape Small without a motor is to be well off Fuller Rock; those who stay close to shore seem to be often frustrated. I don't know why, since I haven't tried myself.)

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