Well, maybe not fully vanquished but we're back to square one, and have a usable laptop, and Internet in the home.
Meanwhile you've missed my reporting on: the peculiar reflections on the water this morning, some exciting professional developments, an email exchange with the ex-boyfriend that made me think about how I approach relationships, a dog I met named Mr. Noodles, my shin splints, why I need to lose 6 pounds in a week, and the way the trees are looking these days. Also what I have been reading. I have been doing a lot of reading. And more thoughts, in the shower today, about why bankruptcy is such an interesting field. Oh, and these amazing clouds I saw on Monday night, lit up from beneath with the pink light of the setting sun, and the way one cloud slightly lower than the band of other clouds cast its shadow UPWARDS onto the clouds above it because of the low angle of the sun, and so there was a dramatic band of blue where the shadow of the lower cloud was cast onto the bottom of the clouds above it, carved in a sharp line and standing out like a dark grey-blue streak amidst the rosy orange-pink glow that was cast on the bottoms of all the other clouds. I've never seen anything like it. Best that I didn't have my computer because I wouldn't have been able to describe it, I'm sure. Also the wedding dress I helped my friend buy on Monday and the vaguely ominous message my car is flashing at me that I am trying to ignore.
But I'm afraid I'm more of a faucet than a reporter, and now that all these observations and thoughts have moved through me I don't feel much of a pull to think back and try to regurgitate them here as though they were fresh thoughts. So we'll just have to hope the next few days hold something interesting that I can blog about. Lucky for all of us that's a pretty low threshold.
I don't know - I think the ex-boyfriend's e-mail is worth trying to regurgitate.
Posted by: ML | September 23, 2004 at 08:22 PM
Don't ignore the message from the car. I did that and broke down last night. Let's just say that the check I received from my moonlighting job yesterday is gone (and a little more).
So, who's Mr. Noodles?
Posted by: | September 24, 2004 at 09:56 AM