Duration of festivities: 8.5 hours (7 PM -- 3:30 AM)
Confirmed Yes RSVPs: 74
Actual attendees: 59 (by best count, although we keep remembering people and might still....)
Sailor-types: 25
Lawyer-types: 12
Art schoolers: 14
Childhood friends: 11* (this number disputed, depending on classification rules that Housemate and I disagree on)
Dog attendees: 3 (2 labs, 1 chihuahua)
Beverage report:
- Beer
purchased: 60 bottles
consumed: 79 bottles
remaining unopened: 69 bottles
- Wine
purchased: 3 big bottles (the cheap stuff), plus one small bottle.
consumed: 7 small bottles (good stuff) plus 5 additional bottles half-consumed
remaining: 4 big bottles, 6 small bottles
- Booze: Net gain to us: 1 fifth of Mount Gay. Only partial consumption of existing supplies of gin and vodka so the seal unbroken on the new bottles we bought. Small consumption of Capt. Morgan's spiced rum purchased for the occasion. I don't think anyone drank any of my good scotch, although I did see two gentlemen discussing the bottles at one point.
- Nonalcoholic beverages: we're up on tonic, although it was a net loss of diet tonic and a net gain of regular tonic. 3 bottles of sparkling water, half a large bottle of cranberry juice, and about a quart of eggnog consumed. Contributions included Diet Pepsi and ginger ale, which were mostly consumed.
Food report: we're down half a cake, a bunch of cookies, guacamole, salsa, veggies, and a lot of mixed nuts. But we're up some chicken wings, a cheese/nut loaf, several bags of chips, and some cookies. And we had lots of contributed food that was consumed. I'd say it was a small net loss in the food department. But the net gain of alcohol more than makes up for it.
Seeds of possible new romance planted: 2 known, ?? unknown (but 1 suspected)
Seeds of breakups planted: None known. 1 suspected.
Seeds of new friendships: 8 known (1 friendly coffee date, 2 friendly dinner invitations, 1 lunch date, 2 sailing invitations, 1 baseball plan, 1 chess game). ?? unknown (but more suspected) (tally does not include invitations made to hostesses, although we're hoping to be included as additional guests in the dinner invites)
Overt hostilities: 1 small instance
Covert hostilities (people leaving shortly after others arrived, or making quiet snarky remarks to me about other attendees): five or six.
Instances of dogs eating people food: too numerous to count.
Party fouls: 1, negligible (the chihuahua reportedly pooped in the house, but his owner was on the scene, and the cleanup was instant, since the offending items were very, very small). NO spills, drunken tears, lost keys, overflowing toilets, or dogs vomiting.
Time the last person who left the party in a cab came to retrieve their vehicle: 4 PM Sunday.
[Correction: no chihuahua poop. That happened the last time he visited; for some reason I thought it happened again this time. This makes me nervous. Could we have really had no party fouls? The yellow lab did eat a considerable portion of the cake after the party was over. Does that count? Or is there an undiscovered party foul lurking somewhere in the house?]
Posted by: Slice | December 13, 2004 at 10:55 AM