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It's funny how "projects" seem to be such a hit. I got married in the fall and my now-husband and I incorporated our annual pumpkin decorating/carving party (which has always just been an excuse for a fall party). We created an aisle out of pumpkins and then had our guests carry them inside to the reception where we had set up a table for decorating (no carving that year - too messy in a rented place). It was a little too late when I realized that little kids in nice clothes & glitter-glue might not have been the best mix! But the "grown-ups" got into the project way more than the kids.


I love the tattoo idea. I'm one of those people who really freaks out about the food, I'm going to try to take your suggestions for my next party in two weeks.


well, that was a great blog, but i have a problem...hoping u can help with..

okay i'm throwing a birthday party, i'm turning 15, i'm throwing this birthday for me and my friend whos b-day is relaly close, but my apartment isn't allowed to throw party and stuff so i'm thinking of an " outing" like a picnic in the park with games and food, what do u think? oh and i'm inviting 15 people ( should i invit my crush?) and what should we do for games, and to keep the party going?..plz, e-mail me the answer


hi i am dumb do u like like dumb people because i doooooooo i love them


Hey yea this is really helpful! I had a demistration project due in speech/drama 1 and i was doing it on how to throw a good party. and this was really helpful thank u


Hey yea. im gna hav a sweet 16 bday bash. i want it to b one dat everybody will remeba. i need help!!! ma bday is Xmas eve and im planin to hav it on da 23rd. Any good tips for da party of da year? PLz reply to ma email.
much love.


thanks that really helped but im only 10 and the people im inviting are supper anty bad stuf wat should i do?


Loved the article, couldn't keep my eye off the wording and my mind off the entertainment you portryed. The advice is interesting and I'm going to attempt your technic. Superb.



my sisters boyfriend has never had a birthday party before and now he is turning 24 and we would like to throw him a [[execution type]] style party kinda gory you no please email me back thanks alyssa




Great blog! I never thrown parties but I want to soon. your suggestion makes sense. Ask people for help with the activities would definately break the ice.

I am shy and I don't know what to speak with people. I might be a bit too scared to offense people by asking something personal. Do you have any suggestions?


woop woop my party people


Hey, thank you very much. I'm throwing a birthday party for myself in a couple of days and I was getting all hung up over invitations and food and decorations and all the details...

You gave me some great ideas.

TM Good

Don't forget the music! I agree completely with the idea that food and decorations are not all that important. People are extremely important but great MUSIC can help set the tone! Try to find a good mix of music for whatever age groups are attending your party. If a dinner party, you don't want high energy "party" music; stick to light jazz, Michael Buble, classical. If it's a raucous Halloween Party, there are some great classics associated with the holiday: Monster Mash, Devil Goes Down to Georgia, Thriller, etc. Music, next to the people, is the most important factor for a great party!




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