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It will never last. It sounds far too civilized.

Amy Cimellaro

If you haven't experienced this lovely, quaint Foot Sanctuary and Teahouse, "it's a must".. An experience you won't forget. Thank you to my daughter Julia for a wonderful experience of "wellness" for her mom.


Soak is a wonderful place! I went there once and got a soak. The tea selection is great, I didn't know which one to chose. It seems that they are a little shorthanded, and are always busy, that makes it had to get an appiontment. The prices are good, and the people there are great. It is truely an experince to remember! I do recommend going there, it was the most relaxing moment I've had in years!

You should be able to find several indispensable facts in this site. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make. - William B. Doyle, http://www.wbdoyle.com/tsfls/

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