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emma goldman

Even better: Mango-Ginger Conserve. (Nothing is as good as good raspberry anything, but this comes close. Ginger rocks.)


Marianne rocks more.

emma goldman

Except it's "Mary Ann." (I only mention this because it took me a minute to figure out what you were saying. But then I giggled.)

And that brings up a question: Why do so many boys/men like Mary Ann? Because they think they have a chance with her?


Right. Mary Ann.

No, I don't think it's because they (we) simply think we have a better chance. Ginger's an icon of glamour; Mary Ann's an icon of beauty. That's how this beholder sees it, anyhow.

emma goldman

Okay, so what's the difference? (Mary Ann an icon of beauty? Huh? I don't think she's all that OR a bag of chips. Neither is Ginger, for that matter, but still.)


I stole this from a book blurb, but it applies: Beauty is truth. Glamour is what we do about the truth.

(And I stole the beauty/glamour thing from a Fresh Air review of John O'Donohue's Beauty: The Invisible Embrace. It sounds worth reading.)

Mary Ann and Ginger as icons of beauty and glamour? I agree with you: They are not, in an absolute sense. But relative to each other, I think they represent the concepts, as caricatures.

emma goldman

I'm mostly feeling slow and stupid, now, for not really getting this. But perhaps I merely have idiosyncratic notions of beauty, truth, and/or glamour, and, especially, don't see how the first two are equated, exactly. Or maybe it's slow and stupid day in my brain.

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