I just had an imaginary conversation in my head with the cute kid who works in the coffee shop where I am sitting right now. It all went to hell when I said something about my recent college reunion, and he (imaginarily) asked which reunion it was. I then, imaginarily, got uncomfortable with how old I am, and asked him to guess. What a cheeseball.
(In actual conversation, I find it extremely irritating when someone asks someone else to guess how old they are, and I try not to do it, ever.)
(In actual conversation, I find it extremely irritating when someone asks someone else to guess how old they are, and I try not to do it, ever.)
The other one I've sworn never to do after having it inflicted on me so many times is to ask someone "Do you remember me?" and when she says yes, ask, "What's my name?"
Why do older people feel compelled to do this to me? Is it a way of one-upping the younger generation as a whole in the memory stakes?
Posted by: PG | July 07, 2005 at 02:14 AM