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Ha! I know exactly how you feel! I'm under deadline to produce an article for a magazine --my first freelance assignement -- and I've been having those same thoughts all morning!


p.s. OCD -- I realize I misspelled "assignment" :)


It's like stargazing. If you look at it straight on, it vanishes. But if you keep steering the side of your vision toward the point you know is there, it will be there, though your eyes may get a little watery from the staring.

I know how you feel. I just got a jerk of a co-worker make me feel really bad about myself -- but that's not too unusual in a big law firm. I could write a poem about it, but that would just glorify him. Ever have one of those smart-ass joke sessions that snowballs and before you know it, you've said something you kind of regret, because you were upset about what the other person said, but didn't want to admit it?
Anyway, just venting.


The Update makes it sound like you're writing for the New Yorker.


I love that you're writing to put off writing. I wish I would remember to do that. I usually play my guitar, or clean the house, or walk the dog. There's so many options, but writing to avoid writing is sheer genius!


I'm new here, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.


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