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Thanks for the times when your example has made me more willing to show my yellow underpants.


Please keep this site up - I love your archives!


Wow. A wonderful gift. One of many. Thank you Sherry.


yay! i'm glad you're not completely leaving (what a loss to us that would be), and i'm looking very much forward to a new type of artistic exploration on the Stay blog. :) what you've got posted over there looks fantastic already! :D


Thank goodness there is another blog!!!! This is a great post, too. Happy birthday yesterday.


Sherry, over the past 3 years I've been privileged to listen in to many of your yellow underpants stories. Thank you. Seriously, you were right on point when you say that it is the sharing of those moments that we all feel most connected.

You've been a wonderful force in the blogosphere and I'm proud to have been a fan.

Take good care of you.


A junior yacht club?

truly embarrasing....

Law Vibe

Good luck Sherry!

Law Vibe


Wow. That's a wonderful 5th grade experience to have had, and very hard not to see it as formative. Great you were able to reach down that deep and finally pull up those underpants.

Karen H

Enjoyed your blog immensely. I wish you would have kept it up. Thanks for the good reading.


Sounds perfect fit for public readings @


Sounds perfect fit for public readings @


Thank! Cool Site! The Best!


Let it be, let it be... What a strange place here.


Excellent site - do keep up the good work.

Mike Smith

Great article


Mike Smith

Great article


Mike Smith

Great article



Make peace, not war!


LOVE YOUR BLOGGING (didnt want to read about yellow underpants but i found you from your writing on 5 things to change about law) hope you keep writing honestly about your life and sharing it all. thanks


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