When doing your Christmas shopping, you could do worse than some handmade, funky gifts from Maine. I like the T-shirts at Milo (guess which one is my favorite) and the buttons and cards and plush dream pet toys at Ferdinand. I'm not usually a fan of scented things, but these balsam pillows make your underwear drawer smell piney and terrific. Or, if you order a Sea Bag, it might have been made with sails from a certain college sailing team that we all love to root for. You can get a bag from Portmanteau that you could use to carry a picnic to an island, and then use the bag to navigate your way home.
(seconding the endorsement for Winterberry Cottage balsam pillows. They are super nice [the pillows and the people who make them]).
Posted by: turboglacier | December 13, 2006 at 07:26 PM
I didn't know MIT contibuted sails to Sea Bags.
Posted by: bill | December 13, 2006 at 09:09 PM
Handsewn $20 underpants seem like a fantastic bizarre luxury. I really really want some.
Posted by: PG | December 14, 2006 at 01:57 AM
i have a sail bag from my first year of law school. yikes, they've gone up a bit in price! i think i paid $35 for mine c. 1999. glad to see they're still around.
Posted by: girltuesday | December 14, 2006 at 09:26 AM
I just saw Sea Bags (called Sail Bags) at www.uncommongoods.com and in fact thought of you as someone who might like one!
Posted by: abl | December 14, 2006 at 10:43 AM
As you can imagine the Webkinz products are not an exclusive right of the Webkinz online business. In fact to make Webkinz more available they have agreed with various local shops around the United States and Canada to have physical stores. You will find these local Webkinz stores are going to offer the plush as well as the various accessories. Not only are their physical store locations around you, and the online store, but there is also the other online stores selling Webkinz. First we are going to look at the online Webkinz stores.
Webkinz has a main internet site that offers you their online store. In this online store you will find the Webkinz collection, accessories, and the Lil' Kinz Webkinz. The online store allows you to purchase the items directly from them and get the items shipped to your home address. It is easy to find when you are looking for anything Webkinz.
The Webkinz stores that are offered around your locale are going to vary. You will want to use the online store locator to find out, which outlets sell the Webkinz products. Most often you will find that the Webkinz stores are Hallmark, J.C. Penny, Limited Too, Mostly Memories, Sweet Factory, and many other children stores. The idea behind these Webkinz stores is to save you a little in shipping and offer a present when you need one. Sometime you will find the Webkinz stores will be sold out, so you may want to call first to determine when the newest Webkinz will arrive. If the local store doesn't have what you want there is of course the Webkinz online store. You also have the various Webkinz selling internet stores that have used or retired products.
Places like eBay, Amazon, and just personal websites offer Webkinz for sale as well. In this case it is usually because the owner of the Webkinz has out grown the idea of the products and is looking to off load them. This means you can find retired animals that you need for your collection, as well as great deals on your favorite Webkinz products.
Every Webkinz store online or in your local area is also going to sell the accessories. The clothing, charm bracelets, and trading cards are also available. This can be a great treat for someone who is very into Webkinz. Keep in mind that you can do a store locator search for Webkinz stores nearest you if online doesn't have what you want.
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Buy Webkinz
Posted by: CheapWebkinz | March 17, 2008 at 04:07 AM
If you stop and think about it, a lot of the characters at like idiots. Why leave anonymous notes around with table settings? If you have worked for someone most of your life, wouldn't you be waiting at the door for the arrival of the new owner?
Posted by: nintendo ds r4 card | February 11, 2010 at 02:52 AM