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Beautiful and moving. My condolences to you and your team. Is he in that picture - if so, which one? It would be nice to associate his face with your tribute. May God keep you well.


I am so sorry to hear about this loss. Contrasting this to your earlier post about the sparrow, it sounds like you are coming closer to peace with it now.


As always, your words are full of emotion and incredibly poignant. I'm so sorry for your entire team's loss.


These are the entries I think we all most want to comment on, but end up having the fewest comments because of the difficulty finding the right words.

You and your team are at the forefront of my thoughts and prayers.


May his memory be eternal. Moving.


I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. This was a beautiful and loving tribute to him.


I am very sad to hear about the loss of Nick. Your words about him captured subtle things about him that all who knew him will remember and miss.


I am very sad to hear about the loss of Nick. Your words about him captured subtle things about him that all who knew him will remember and miss.

There is something aching in the memoir of a friend. In your new year, I wish everyone who knew Nick peace and everyone who did not the gift of love that the passing of a friend might sometime evoke.

The love and warmth of the seasons,

english breakfast tea

I am very sorry about loss of your friend.Reading your words about him shows that your friend is very lucky having you.I think you both are great example of friendship.

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